
UPSC Notification For Civil Services Exam 2024 - Note-I

Note-I : Candidate should note that only the date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation or SecondarySchool Leaving Certificate or in an equivalent certificate as mentioned in para 3 (II) (3) above and issuedprior to the date of submission of application will be accepted by the Commission, and no subsequentrequestforitschangewillbeconsideredorgranted.

Note-II:CandidatesshouldalsonotethatonceadateofbirthhasbeensubmittedbythemintheapplicationformandenteredintherecordsoftheCommissionforthepurposeofadmissiontoanExamination, no change will be allowed subsequently or at any other Examination of the Commission onanygroundswhatsoever.

Provided that  in case of an inadvertent/unintentional/ typographical error committed by a candidateinindicatingthedateof birth in theOnlineApplicationForm,thecandidatemaymakearequest to theCommission for subsequent rectification along with supportingdocuments,  as specified  in the  Rule  5(3) oftheExaminationand therequest  may be  considered by  the Commission  if the  same is made  latest by thedateoftheCivilServices(Preliminary)Examination,2024whichis26.05.2024.

Allcommunication inthisregardshould contain thefollowingparticulars:-

  2. D.(RID)

(III)  MinimumEducationalQualification:

A candidate must hold a Graduate degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of thecentralorStateLegislature inIndiaorothereducationalinstitutionsestablishedbyanActofParliamentordeclared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 orpossessanequivalentqualification.

Note-I : Candidates who have appeared at a qualifying examination the passing of which would render themeducationally qualifiedfor theCommission’s Examination buthave  not  been informed of  the result  as  alsothe  candidates  who  intend to appear at such a qualifying examination will also be  eligible  for admission totheCivil Services(Preliminary) Examination. All candidates  who  are  declared qualified by the  Commissionfor taking the Civil Services (Main) Examination will be required to produce proof of passing the requisitequalifyingexaminationalongwiththeirapplication(i.e.DetailedApplicationForm-I)for the MainExamination,failingwhichsuch candidateswillnotbeadmittedtotheMainExamination.  Such proof  ofpassing the requisite qualifying examination should have been issued latest by the closing date of DetailedApplicationForm-IoftheMainExamination.

Note-II : In exceptional cases, the Commission may treat a candidate who does not have any of the foregoingqualificationsasacandidate,providedthatthecandidate  has  passed  an  examination  conducted  by  anyother institution the standard of which in the opinion of the Commission justifies the admission to the CivilServicesExamination.

Note-III:Candidatespossessingprofessionalandtechnicalqualificationswhichare recognised byGovernmentas equivalent toprofessional and technical degree  would also be  eligible for admission to  theCivilServicesExamination.

Note-IV : Candidates who have passed the final professional M.B.B.S or any other equivalent professionalexaminationleadingtoamedicaldegreeorcertificatebuthavenotcompletedtheirinternshipbythetimeofsubmissionoftheirapplicationsfortheCivilServices(Main)Examination,willbeprovisionallyadmittedtotheCivil ServicesExamination,providedtheysubmitalongwith  their  application  a  copy  of  certificatefromtheconcernedauthorityoftheUniversity/Institutionthattheyhadpassed  the requisite finalprofessional examination.In such cases, thecandidateswill berequiredtoproduceatthetimeoftheirinterviewtheoriginaldegreeoracertificatefromtheconcernedcompetentauthorityoftheUniversity/Institution that they had completed all requirements (including completion of internship) for theawardoftheDegree.

(IV) Numberofattempts:

Every candidate appearing at the examination, who is otherwise eligible, shall be permitted six (6)attempts at the CSE. However, relaxation in the number of attempts will be available  to the SC/ST/OBCand PwBD category candidates who are otherwise eligible. The number of attempts available to suchcandidatesasperrelaxationisasunder:



Number ofattempts







09 forGL/EWS/OBCUnlimitedforSC/ST


Note-I : The terms – GL for General, EWS for Economically Weaker Sections, SC for Scheduled Castes, STfor Scheduled Tribes, OBC for Other Backward Classes and PwBD for Persons with Benchmark Disability –areusedfordenotingthecategoriesofcandidatestakinganattemptattheExamination.

Note-II : An attempt at a Preliminary Examination shall be deemed to be an attempt at the Civil ServicesExamination.



(V)  Restrictionsonapplyingfortheexamination:

  • A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Foreign Servicebased on the results of an earlier Examination and continues to be a member of that Service will not beeligible to appear at the Civil Services Examination-2024. In case such a candidate is appointed to the IASor IFS after the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination-2024 is over and the candidate continues to be amemberofthatService,thecandidateshallnotbeeligibletoappearintheCivilServices(Main)Examination-2024 notwithstanding having qualified in the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination-2024.If such a candidate is appointed to the IAS or IFS after the commencement of the Civil Services (Main)Examination-2024 but before the result thereof is declared by the Commission and continues to be amember of that Service, the candidate shall not be considered for appointment to any Service/Post on thebasisoftheresultoftheCSE-2024.
  • A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Police Service based on the results of an earlierExamination and continues to be a member of that Service shall not be eligible to opt for the Indian PoliceServiceonthebasisoftheresultoftheCSE-2024.
  • Medicaland Physical Standards: Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standardsforadmissiontoCivilServicesExamination,2024asperguidelinesgiveninAppendix-IIIofRulesforExaminationpublishedintheGazetteofIndiaExtraordinarydated14thFebruary,2024.

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