- FEE : Candidates (Except Female/SC/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disability Candidates who areexempted from payment of fee) are required to pay fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) either byremitting the money in any Branch of State Bank of India by cash or by using Net Banking facility of anybankorbyusingVisa/Master/RuPay/Credit/DebitCard/UPIPayment.
Applicants who opt for "Pay by Cash" mode should print the system generated Pay-in-slip duringpart II registration and deposit the fee at the counter of SBI Branch on the next working day only. "Pay byCash”modewillbedeactivatedat11.59P.M.of4thMarch,2024i.e.onedaybeforetheclosingdate;howeverapplicants, who have generated their Pay-in- Slip before it is deactivated, may pay at the counter of SBIBranch during banking hours on the closing date. Such applicants who are unable to pay by cash on theclosing date i.e. during banking hours at SBI Branch, for reasons whatsoever, even if holding valid pay-in-slip will have no other offline option but to opt for available online Debit/Credit Card/UPI Payment orInternetBankingpaymentmodeontheclosingdatei.e.till06:00P.M.of5thMarch,2024.
For the applicants in whose case payments details have not been received from the bank they willbe treated as fictitious payment cases and a list of all such applicants shall be made available on theCommission website within two weeks after the last day of submission of online application.These applicantsshall also be intimated through e-mail to submit copy of proof of their payment to the Commission at theaddress mentioned in the e-mail. The applicant shall be required to submit the proof within 10 days fromthedateofsuchcommunicationeitherbyhandorbyspeedposttotheCommission.Onreceiptofdocumentary proof, genuine fee payment cases will be considered and their applications will be revived, ifthey are otherwise eligible. In case, no response is received from the applicants their applications shall besummarilyrejectedandnofurthercorrespondenceshallbeentertainedinthisregard.
PersonswithBenchmarkDisabilityareexemptedfromthepaymentoffee provided they areotherwiseeligibleforappointmenttotheServices/Poststobefilledontheresultsofthisexaminationonthe basis of the standards of medical fitness for these Services/Posts (including any concessions specificallyextendedtothePersonswithBenchmarkDisability).AcandidateofPersonswithBenchmarkDisabilityclaiming fee concession will be required by the Commission to submit along with their Detailed ApplicationForm-I,acertifiedcopyoftheCertificateofDisabilityfrom a Government Hospital/Medical Board insupportofhis/herclaimforbelongingtoPersonswithBenchmarkDisability.
NB: Notwithstanding, the aforesaid provision for fee exemption, a candidate of Persons with BenchmarkDisability will be considered to be eligible for appointment only if the candidate (after such physicalexaminationastheGovernmentortheAppointingAuthority,asthecasemaybe,mayprescribe)isfoundto satisfy the requirements of physical and medical standards for the concerned Services/Posts to beallocatedtocandidatesofPersonswithBenchmarkDisabilitybytheGovernment.
NoteI:ApplicationswithouttheprescribedFee (unless remission ofFeeisclaimed)shallbesummarilyrejected.
Note II: Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve foranyotherexaminationorselection.
NoteIII:IfanycandidatewhotooktheCivilServicesExaminationheldin 2023 wishes to apply foradmissiontothisexamination,he/she must submit his/her application without waiting for the results oranofferofappointment.
Note IV: Candidates admitted to the Main Examination will be required to pay a further fee of Rs. 200/-(RupeesTwohundredsonly).
5. How to Apply:
- Candidates are required to apply online by using the website nic.in. It is essential for theapplicanttoregisterhimself/herselffirstatOneTimeRegistration(OTR)platform,availableontheCommission’swebsite,andthenproceedforfillinguptheonlineapplicationfortheexamination.OTRhasto be registered only once in life time. This can be done anytime throughout the year.If the candidate isalreadyregistered,he/shecanproceedstraightwayfor filling up the online application for theexamination.
- ModificationinOTR Profile:
In case, thecandidate wants to effect any change in his/her OTR profile, it shall be allowed onlyoncein thelifetimeafter theregistration atOTR platform. The change in OTR profile data shall beavailable till expiry of 7 days from the next day after the closure of application window of his/her firstfinalapplication for any Examination of the Commission. In the case, the candidate after registration ofOTRappliesforthefirsttimeinthisexaminationlastdateofmodificationofOTRwouldbe12.03.2024.
- Modificationinapplicationform(OtherthanOTRProfile):
The Commission has also decided to extend the facility of making correction(s) in any field(s) of theapplicationformforthisexaminationfromnextdayoftheclosureoftheapplicationwindowofthisExamination.This window will remain open for 7 days from thedate of opening of thesame, i.e., from06.03.2024to12.03.2024.Incaseacandidatewantstocarryout any change in his/her OTR profileduring this period, then he/she should login to the OTR platform and do the needful accordingly. In otherwords,no changein the OTR profile can be made by visiting the window for Modificationin applicationform.
- All candidates,whether already in Government Service, Government owned industrial undertakingsorothersimilarorganizationsorinprivateemploymentshouldsubmittheirapplicationsdirecttotheCommission.
Persons already in Government Service, whether in a permanent or temporary capacity or as workcharged employees other than casual or daily rated employees or those serving under the Public Enterprisesarehowever,requiredtosubmitanundertakingthattheyhaveinformedinwritingtotheirHeadofOffice/DepartmentthattheyhaveappliedfortheExamination.Candidatesshouldnotethatincaseacommunication is received from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to the candidatesapplying for/appearing at the examination, their application will be liable to be rejected/candidature will beliabletobecancelled.
NOTE 1: While filling in his/her Application Form, the candidate should carefully decide about his/herchoice of centre for the Examination. If any candidate appears at a centre other than the one indicated bythe Commission in his/her Admission Certificate, the papers of such a candidate will not be evaluated andhis/hercandidaturewillbeliabletocancellation.
NOTE2:ThePersonswithBenchmarkDisabilitiesinthecategoriesofblindness,locomotordisability(botharmaffected–BA)andcerebralpalsywillbeprovidedthe facilityofscribe,ifdesiredbytheperson.Incaseof other category of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities as defined under section 2(r) of the RPWD Act,2016,thefacilityofscribewillbeallowedtosuchcandidatesonproductionofacertificatetotheeffectthatthepersonconcernedhasphysicallimitationtowrite,andscribeisessentialtowriteexaminationonbehalf,from theChiefMedicalOfficer/CivilSurgeon/Medical Superintendentofa GovernmentHealth CareinstitutionasperproformaatAppendix-V.Thecandidateshavediscretionofoptingforhis/herownscribeor request the Commission for the same. The details of scribe i.e. whether own or the Commission’s andthe details of scribe in case candidates are bringing their own scribe, will be sought at the time of filling uptheapplicationformonline.SuitableprovisionsinOnlineApplicationhavebeenmade.
NOTE3:ThequalificationoftheCommission’sscribeaswellasownscribewillnotbemore than theminimumqualificationcriteriaoftheexamination.However,thequalificationofthescribeshouldalwaysbematriculateorabove.
NOTE 4: The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the category of blindness, locomotor disability (botharmaffected–BA)andcerebralpalsywillbeallowedCompensatoryTimeoftwentyminutesperhouroftheexamination.In case of other categoriesof Personswith Benchmark Disabilities, this facility will be providedon production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write fromthe Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care institutionasperproformaatAppendix-V.
NOTE-5: Candidates appearing in Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2024 will be required to indicateinformationsuchas(a)detail ofCentresforCivil Services(Main)Examination andIndian Forest Service(Main) Examination (b)Optional subjecttobeselected for theexamination, (c) Medium of examination forCivilServices(Main)Examination,(d)MediumofExaminationforOptionalSubjectifhe/shechoosesany
Indian Language as the Medium of Examination for Civil Services (Main) Examination and (e) compulsoryIndianLanguageforCivilServices(Main)Examinationatthetimeofthefillinguponlineapplicationitself.Norequest forchangesinthesedetailsonceonlineapplicationissubmittedshallbeentertainedbytheCommission.
NOTE 6: Candidates are not required to submit alongwith their applications any certificate in support oftheirclaimsregardingAge,EducationalQualifications,ScheduledCastes/ScheduledTribes/OtherBackward Classes/ Economically Weaker Sections and Persons with Benchmark Disability etc. which willbeverifiedatthetimeoftheMainexaminationonly.
ThecandidatesapplyingfortheCivilServicesExaminationshouldensurethattheyfulfilalltheeligibility conditions for admission to the Examination. Their admission at all the stages of Examination forwhichtheyareadmittedbytheCommissionviz.CivilServices(Preliminary)Examination, Civil Services(Main)Examination–eitherWrittenortheInterview/PersonalityTest–willbepurelyprovisional,subjecttotheirsatisfyingtheprescribedeligibilityconditions.IfonverificationatanytimebeforeorafterthePreliminaryExamination,MainExamination(Written)andInterview/PersonalityTest,itisfoundthattheydo not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the Examination will be cancelled by theCommission.The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admissiontotheExaminationshallbefinal.
If any of their claims is found to be incorrect, they may render themselves liable to disciplinary actionbytheCommission in terms of Rule 19 of the Rules for the Civil Services Examination, 2024 reproducedbelow:
- AcandidatewhoisorhasbeendeclaredbytheCommissiontobeguiltyof:-
- Obtainingsupport for candidaturebythefollowingmeans, namely :-
- offeringillegalgratificationto;or
- applyingpressureon;or
- blackmailing,orthreateningtoblackmailanypersonconnectedwiththeconductoftheexamination;or
- impersonation;or
- procuringimpersonationbyanyperson;or
- submittingfabricated/incorrectdocumentsordocuments which have been tampered with;or
- uploadingirrelevantorincorrectphoto/signatureintheapplication formin placeofactualphoto/signature;or
- makingstatementswhichareincorrectorfalseorsuppressingmaterialinformation;or
- resortingtothefollowingmeansinconnectionwiththecandidaturefortheexamination,namely:-
- obtainingcopyofquestionpaperthroughimpropermeans;or
- findingouttheparticularsofthepersonsconnectedwithsecretworkrelatingtotheexamination;or
- influencingtheexaminers;or
- beinginpossessionoforusingunfairmeansduringtheexamination;or
- writingobscenematterordrawingobscenesketchesorirrelevantmatterinthescripts;or
- misbehavingintheexaminationhallincludingtearingofthescripts,provokingfellowexamineestoboycottexamination,creatingadisorderlysceneandthelike;or
- harassing, threatening or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Commission for theconductoftheexamination;or
- being in possession of or using any mobile phone, (even in switched-off mode), pager or anyelectronic equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watchesetc. or camera or bluetooth devices or any other equipment or related accessories (either inworking or switched-off mode) capable of being used as a communication device during theexamination;or
- violating any of the instructions issued to candidates along with their admission certificatespermittingthemtotaketheexamination;or
- attemptingtocommitor,asthecasemaybe,abettingthecommissionofalloranyoftheactsspecifiedintheforegoingclauses;
Inadditiontobeingliabletocriminalprosecution,shallbedisqualifiedbytheCommissionfromtheExaminationheldundertheseRules;and/orshallbeliableto be debarred eitherpermanentlyorforaspecifiedperiod:-
- bytheCommission,fromanyexaminationorselectionheldbythem;
- bythecentralgovernmentfromanyemploymentunderthem;
and shall be liable to face disciplinary action under the appropriate rules if already in serviceunderGovernment;
- givingthecandidateanopportunityofmakingsuch representation in writing as thecandidatemaywishtomakeinthatbehalf;and
- taking the representation, if any, submitted by the candidate within the period allowed forthispurpose,intoconsideration.
- AnypersonwhoisfoundbytheCommissiontobeguiltyofcolludingwith a candidate(s) incommitting or abetting the commission of any of the misdeeds listed at the clauses (a) to (m) above will beliabletoactionintermsoftheclause(n)inRule19(1)above.
Note:“Ifacandidateisfoundtobeinpossessionorusingunfairmeans,maynotbeallowedtocontinuein the said exam as soon as the incident comes to notice of the Examination functionaries and the actionagainst the candidates may be taken in consultation with the Commission. Further, the candidate may alsonotbeallowedinanyofthesubsequentpapersofthesaidexamination.”