Candidates may choose any one ofthe optional subjects from amongst the list of subjects given in para2 below:—
- The papers on Indian languages and English (Paper A and paper B) will be of Matriculation or equivalentstandardandwillbeofqualifyingnature.Themarksobtainedinthesepapers will not be counted
- Evaluation of the papers, namely, 'Essay', 'General Studies' and Optional Subject of all the candidateswould be done simultaneously along with evaluation of their qualifying papers on ‘Indian Languages’ and‘English’ but the papers on Éssay', General Studies and Optional Subject of only such candidates will betaken cognizance who attain 25% marks in ‘Indian Language’ and 25% in English as minimum qualifyingstandardsinthesequalifyingpapers.
- Thepaper A on Indian Language will not, however, becompulsory for candidates hailing from the StatesofArunachalPradesh,Manipur,Meghalya,Mizoram,NagalandandSikkim.
- ThepaperAonIndianLanguagewillnot,however,becompulsoryforCandidatesbelongingtoPersonswith Benchmark Disability (only Hearing Impairment sub-category) provided that they have been grantedsuch exemption from 2nd or 3rd language courses by the concerned education Board/University. Thecandidateneedstoprovideanundertaking/selfdeclarationinthisregardinordertoclaimsuchanexemptiontotheCommission.
- Marks obtained bythe candidatesforthePaper I-VIIonly will be counted for merit However,theCommissionwillhavethediscretiontofixqualifyingmarksinanyorallofthesepapers.
- For theLanguagemedium/literatureoflanguages,the scriptstobeused by thecandidateswill be asunder:—
Language Script
Assamese Assamese
Bengali Bengali
Gujarati Gujarati
Hindi Devanagari
Kannada Kannada
Kashmiri Persian
Konkani Devanagari
Malayalam Malayalam
Manipuri Bengali
Marathi Devanagari
Nepali Devanagari
Odia Odia
Punjabi Gurumukhi
Sanskrit Devanagari
Sindhi DevanagariorArabic
Tamil Tamil
Telugu Telugu
Urdu Persian
Bodo Devanagari
Dogri Devanagari
Maithilli Devanagari
Santhali DevanagariorOlchiki
Note :ForSanthalilanguage,questionpaperwillbe printed in Devanagari script; but candidates will befreetoanswereitherinDevanagariscriptorinOlchiki.
- List of optionals ubjects for Main Examination:
- Agriculture
- AnimalHusbandryandVeterinaryScience
- Anthropology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- CivilEngineering
- CommerceandAccountancy
- Economics
- ElectricalEngineering
- Geography
- Geology
- History
- Law
- Management
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- MedicalScience
- Philosophy
- Physics
- PoliticalScience andInternationalRelations
- Psychology
- PublicAdministration
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Zoology
- Literatureofanyoneofthefollowinglanguages:
Assamese,Bengali,Bodo,Dogri,Gujarati,Hindi,Kannada,Kashmiri,Konkani,Maithili,Malayalam,Manipuri,Marathi,Nepali,Odia,Punjabi,Sanskrit, Santhali,Sindhi, Tamil,Telugu,UrduandEnglish.
- Thequestionpapersfortheexaminationwillbeofconventional(essay)type.
- Candidateswillhavetheoptiontoanswerallthequestionpapers,excepttheQualifyingLanguagePapers,Paper-AandPaper-B,inanyoneofthelanguagesincludedintheEighthScheduletothe
Constitution of India or in English. Notwithstanding this,the Candidatewillhave the choiceto writetheOptional Papers in English also if candidates opt to write Paper I-V except the Qualifying Language Papers,Paper-A andPaper-B,inanyoneofthelanguage included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution ofIndia.
- Candidates exercising the option to answer Papers in any one of the languages included in the EightSchedule to the Constitution of India mentioned above may, if they so desire, give English version withinbrackets of onlythe description of the technical terms, if any, in addition to the version in the Candidatesshould,however,notethatiftheymisusetheaboverule,adeductionwillbemade on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing to them and in extreme cases; their script(s)willnotbevaluedforbeinginanunauthorizedmedium.
- Candidates should note that if any irrelevant matter/signages/marks etc. are found written in theanswerscript(s),whichwouldnotberelatedtoanyquestion/answerand/orwouldbehavingthepotentialto disclose the candidate’s identity, the Commission will impose a penalty of deduction of marks from thetotalmarksotherwiseaccruingtothecandidateorwillnotevaluatethesaidscript(s)onthisaccount.
- Thequestion papers (other than theliterature of language papers) will be set in Hindi and Englishonly.