General Instructions (Preliminary as well as Main Examination):
- Candidates must write the papers in their own hand. In no circumstances will they be allowed thehelp of a scribe to write the answers for them. However, The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in thecategoriesofblindness,locomotordisability(botharmaffected–BA)andcerebralpalsywillbe eligibleforthe facility of scribe. In case of other category of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities as defined undersection 2 (r) of the RPWD Act, 2016, such candidates will be eligible for the facility of scribe on productionofacertificatetotheeffectthatthepersonconcernedhasphysicallimitationtowrite,andscribeisessentialto write examination on behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of aGovernmentHealthCareinstitutionasperproformaat.Appendix-V
Further, for persons with specified disabilities covered under the definition of Section 2(s) of theRPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of Section 2(r) of the said Act, i.e. persons having lessthan40% disability and having difficulty in writing will beeligible for the facility of scribe subject toproduction of a certificate to the effect that personconcerned has limitation to write and that scribe isessential to write examination on his/her behalf from the competent medical authority of a GovernmenthealthcareinstitutionasperproformaatAppendix-VII.
- Thecandidateshavediscretion ofoptingfor theirown scribeor request the Commission for Thedetailsofscribei.e.whetherownortheCommission’sandthedetailsofscribeincasecandidatesarebringing their own scribe,will besoughtatthetimeoffillingup theapplication formonlineas perproforma at. Appendix-VI. (for Candidates having 40% disability or more) and Appendix-VIII (for Candidateshavinglessthan40%disabilityandhavingdifficultyinwriting).
- The qualification of the Commission’s scribe as well as own scribe will not be more than the minimumqualificationcriteriaoftheexamination.However,thequalificationof the scribe should always bematriculateorabove.
- The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the category of blindness, locomotor disability (botharmsaffected-BA)andcerebralpalsywillbeeligibleforCompensatoryTimeoftwentyminutesperhourofthe examination. In case of other categories of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, such candidates willbe eligible forthisfacilityonproductionofacertificate totheeffectthatthepersonconcernedhasphysicallimitation to write from the Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a GovernmentHealthCareinstitutionasperproformaat.Appendix-V
Further,forpersonswithspecified disabilitiescovered under thedefinitionof Section 2(s) of theRPwD Act,2016 but notcovered under the definition of Section 2(r) of thesaid Act, i.e. personshaving lessthan40%disabilityandhavingdifficultyinwritingwillbeeligibleforcompensatorytimesubject toproduction of a certificate to the effect that person concerned has limitation to write from the competentmedicalauthorityofaGovernmenthealthcareinstitutionasperproformaatAppendix-VII.
- Facilityof Scribe and/orCompensatory time to eligible candidates will be provided, if desired bythem.
Note(1):Theeligibilityconditionsofascribeandtheconductofscribeinsidetheexaminationhallandthemanner in which and extent to which the scribe can help the eligible candidates (as defined above) in writingthe Civil Services Examination shall be governed by the instructions issued by the UPSC in this regard.ViolationofalloranyofthesaidinstructionsshallentailthecancellationofthecandidatureofthecandidateinadditiontoanyotheractionthattheUPSCmaytakeagainstthescribe.
Bettereye BestCorrected |
Worseeye BestCorrected |
PerCent Impairment |
Disabilitycategory |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
6/6to6/18 |
6/6to6/18 |
0% |
0 |
6/24to6/60 |
10% |
0 |
Lessthan6/60to3/60 |
20% |
I |
Less than Perception |
3/60 |
No |
Light |
30% |
II(Oneeyedperson) |
6/24to6/60Or Visual field less than 40 up to 20degree around centre of fixation orheminaopiainvolvingmacula |
6/24to6/60 |
40% |
a(lowvision) |
Lessthan6/60to3/60 |
50% |
b(lowvision) |
Less than Perception |
3/60 |
to |
No |
Light |
60% |
c(lowvision) |
Less than 6/60 to 3/60 OrVisualfieldless than20up to10degreearoundcentreoffixation |
Lessthan6/60to3/60 |
70% |
d(lowvision) |
LessthanPerception |
3/60 |
to |
No |
Light |
80% |
e(lowvision) |
Lessthan3/60to1/60Or Visualfieldlessthan10degreearoundcentreoffixation |
LessthanPerception |
3/60 |
to |
No |
Light |
90% |
IV |
a(Blindness) |
OnlyHMCF OnlyLightPerception,NoLightperception |
OnlyHMCF OnlyLightPerception,NoLightperception |
100% |
IV |
b(Blindness) |
- Ifacandidate’shandwritingisnoteasilylegible,adeductionwillbemadeonthisaccountfromthetotalmarksotherwiseaccruingtothecandidate.
- Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression combined with due economy ofwordsinallsubjectsoftheexamination.
- In the questionpapers,whereverrequired,SIunitswillbeused.
- Candidates should use only International form of Indian numerals (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc.) whileansweringquestionpapers.
- CandidateswillbeallowedtheuseofScientific(Non-Programmabletype)Calculatorsattheconventional(Essay)typeexaminationof Programmable type calculators will howevernotbeallowedandtheuseofsuchcalculatorsshalltantamounttoresortingtounfairmeansbythecandidates.LoaningorinterchangingofcalculatorsintheExaminationHallis notpermitted. It is also important to note that candidates are not permitted to use calculators foranswering objective type papers (Test Booklets). They should not therefore bring the same insidetheExaminationHall.