UPSC, IAS Test Series

Test Series

"Content is Like Water"

Perhaps, this could be the best analogy of Content, and UPSC CSE Examination is such that demands this analogy to be realized.

It would be a challenging task for any educational organization to excel without a research and analysis unit that provides it the required fuel of ever enriched content so that the engine of the institute traverses with ever greater pace.

KSG, an acclaimed name in the realm of IAS preparation, has proved it's mettle year by year. It's dream journey of touching every aspirants life in some or the other way has been very successful.

This is attributed to many constituent units of KSG that work day and night for making the dream realize.

One such unit is KSG Test Prep popularly known as KTP. This could rightly be called as Lungs and Heart of the Institute.
Prelims Test Series Mains Test Series Integrated Test Series

KTP is the research and analysis unit of KSG that has been consistently working towards a set of goals, helping aspirants prepare for the CSE (IAS) exam with a error proof strategy .

KTP has been the soul of the KSG organization and has been providing valuable inputs enriching the content of Text Books, daily Notes etc.

Under the Visionary leadership of Dr. Khan, KTP has excelled in " Daily Tests " which today every aspirant cheer about. Not limited to this, but KTP comes out with Flashback over a Topic which is important for the exam. It also gives a Current Cognitive Web, that help students achieve a higher level of notes making and inter-linkage.

While Students worry about reading magazines like Yojana and Kuruksherta, KTP has deviced a unique method of giving its's own Snap Shot of Editorials which is highly relevant for the Examination.

Contemporary Issue Tests which help students read current affairs on a daily basis are being conducted on a weekly basis. KTP tries to set the paper as per UPSC Standards.

Current Connect is a highly acclaimed and sought after Current Affairs Monthly magazine. It has sections like Analytica, Pre-connect that help aspirants to get some idea over issues which can be used in Mains Answer writing. It gives out topics which have greater relevance for IAS Exam and even focuses on the indirect facts which might appear in Prelims Exam.

X-Factor Test Series is a highly admired product of KTP, that has been conducting Test Series for IAS Aspirants with all research and analysis. It is no co-incidence that the hit ratio of Test Series has been great. KTP's research and analysis wings each year takes out many products like X-Factor Integrated Test Series, X-Factor PT Test Series and X-Factor Mains Test Series. Questions are made after a research process and are supported by X-Factors like Facts, figures, reports etc.

CIWP i.e. Current Issue Writing Practice, is one such product that keeps the aspirants updated of current themes and prepare them subjectively.

KTP also ensures that it is in sync with the digital world also. YouTube today has become an informative repository. KTP has it's own informative resources via KSG YouTube Channel. It hosts Informative Learning System, Power Tests, and Current Connect Videos. These all aid students in their effective learning.

KTP promises that it will always be at the service of the aspirants and will always support them with informative resources, in an easy way, like water. And as said above:

"Content is like Water".

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