Parliamentary privileges
- The Indian Constitution's Article 105 defines parliamentary privileges.
Parliamentary privileges
Any economy that wants to grow needs investment, which can come from both domestic and foreign sources.
CHAPTER:6 Social Infrastructure & Employment
It is an autonomous regional navigational satellite system created by India to provide users with accurate position data.
An economy's public sector is that portion of the economy that, among other things, provides infrastructure, public transportation, public education, health care, and police and military services.
Committees of the Constituent Assembly
To handle various facets of the constitution-making process, the Indian Constituent Assembly established a number of committees. The Indian Constituent Assembly chose twenty-two committees to examine various constitutional issues. The other eight were smaller committees. Eight of them were significant committees.
Facts related to the Union Budget of India
About the budget
On August 23, 2006, the government formally unveiled the Food Safety and Standards Act. A number of laws and standards governed the nation's safe food practices before the creation and implementation of the Food Safety and Standards Act.
Summary of chapter 4 economic survey
CHAPTER 4 : Monetary Management & Financial InterMediation: A Good year
Money Laundering: Problem and Prevention
Money laundering is the illegal act of representing a legitimate source as the source of large sums of cash obtained through criminal activity, such as financing terrorism or drug trafficking.
CHAPTER 3- Fiscal Developments: Revenue Relish
Developments in Union Government finances