
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

On August 23, 2006, the government formally unveiled the Food Safety and Standards Act. A number of laws and standards governed the nation's safe food practices before the creation and implementation of the Food Safety and Standards Act.

The Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSAI), passed in 2006, is the primary law governing the regulation of food products. This law is also established to develop and enforce food safety standards in India. The FSSAI selects state-level food safety authorities.

The FSSAI falls under the administrative purview of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 

The primary goals of FSSAI are:

  • Set up dependable scientific standards for food products.
  • To regulate the import, sale, distribution, and storage of food.
  • In order to help ensure food safety.
  • To ensure that high-quality, wholesome food is easily accessible for human consumption.

Food Laws Prior to the FSSAI Act of 2006:

  • Food Adulteration Prevention Act of 1954
  • Fruit Products Act of 1955
  • Vegetable and Oil Order, 1947
  • Edible Oil Packaging Order, 1988
  • Milk and Milk-Related Products, 1992

The FSSAI's Purpose:

  • The standards and guidelines for food products must be specified in regulations and the procedure for enforcing the various requirements.  
  • setting up processes and regulations for the accreditation of organizations that certify the food safety management systems of commercial food operations
  • Food consumption, the frequency and presence of biological risk contaminants in food, the presence of residue from various contaminants in food products, the detection of emerging risks in food, and the use of quick warning systems are all topics that should be researched and compiled.
  • Establishing an informational network nationwide for consumers, the general public, panchayats, etc. Get timely, accurate, and pertinent information about problems with food safety and corners.
  • Provide employees in the food industry with a training program.
  • Create sanitary, phytosanitary, and nutritional technical standards that are applicable globally.
  • Increase knowledge of food safety and standards in the general public.

FSSAI initiatives:

Eat Right India: Eat Right India employs a clever strategy of regulation, capacity building, cooperation, and empowerment to guarantee that our food is healthy for both people and the environment. It goes into detail about the coordinated effort made by all parties. The government, the food industry, associations, professionals, development organizations, and the general public are among these.

Food Safety Display Board: As per FSS Regulations, all food establishments must now display an FSSAI license or registration. The FSSAI License Number is not, however, displayed to customers. To change customers' perceptions generally and improve food safety, the FSSAI has implemented Food Safety Display Boards (FSDBs) for a variety of food enterprises.

Safe and Nutritious Food: 

The FSSAI is aware that it would be impossible to consistently guarantee that all Indian citizens have access to healthy food if it relied solely on traditional regulatory mechanisms like standards, enforcement, and compliance. To alter social and behavioural norms, they must therefore take independent action.

Repurpose Spent Cooking Oil: The FSSAI's Repurpose Spent Cooking Oil (RUCO) program makes it possible to collect used cooking oil and turn it into biodiesel. The following is included in it: authorization mechanisms for biodiesel processors, creating a network of resources for UCO collection and providing short-term certification to aggregators from a biodiesel producer.

Services Offered by the FSSAI:

The FSSAI Essential Enlistment is a legal requirement and provides the managers of food businesses with a number of benefits. These are the following:

  • Ensure better client support.
  • Promote your credibility to the unbiased buyer.
  • Obtain a license for the business so it can grow without running afoul of the law.
  • Ensure increased security and business growth.

The FSSAI's organizational structure:

  • The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is the administrative ministry of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of the Indian Government.
  • The central government selects the FSSAI's non-executive chairperson, who currently holds or once held the position of secretary to the government of India.
  • The FSSAI is made up of 22 members and a chairperson. 
  • Rajesh Bhushan and Arun Singhal, respectively, are the FSSAI's chair and chief executive officers.

New developments

India's Food Safety and Standards Authority developed the new food safety, and standards rule 2021. This backs up a ban and sales restrictions.

Trans fatty acids should not constitute more than 2% of the total weight of food products containing fats and edible oil as their main ingredients, per a recent regulation. This became law on January 1, 2022.


A statutory organization, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), was created by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is responsible for protecting and promoting all people's welfare. Maintaining food security, enhancing customer service, and encouraging business growth are just a few benefits provided by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

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