4 Phases Of Preparation
Hi, today I would like to talk to you about various stages of preparation for the examination. You may be doing it already but then, I am trying to make you conscious of these various stages.
4 Phases Of Preparation
Hi, today I would like to talk to you about various stages of preparation for the examination. You may be doing it already but then, I am trying to make you conscious of these various stages.
मार्ग ना बदले
Hi, बहुत बार लोग मुझसे पूछते है कि वो कौनसा रास्ता है जो मेरे गंतव्य तक मेरे गोल तक पहुँचा देगा। आप भी बहुत सारे इंटरव्यू सुनते रहते हैं - किसी इंटरव्यू में बोलते हैं कि रात में पढ़ाई करी थी।
अपनी विशेषताओं पर भरोसा रखें
आपसे एक सीक्रेट शेयर करने वाला हूँ जिसमें कई बार आपको अभी एहसास होगा जब मैं बताता हूँ आपको तो आपका जो थॉट प्रोसेस है कई बार जो चीज़ें अनुपस्थित हैं उस ओर आकर्षित हो जाती हैं।
How To Read And Revise
Hi, today I would like to talk about how to revise and often we should revise because you know that the course that you are having in front of you as far as the civil service exam is concerned is very wide and elaborate.
Goal Setting
Hi, today I am going to talk about a very interesting topic that is GOAL. It is a very important word for us and especially for the youth of the country.
Humility Sans Achievement is Defeat Accepted, Ego & Humility
Hi, today I am going to talk about an issue which may go possibly against some of your earlier teachings that you may have received while growing up. HUMILITY.
स्वतंत्रता दिवस की शुभकामनाएं, स्वतंत्रता मनाएं, प्रेम बढ़ाएं, जय हिन्द
आज जबकि पूरा देश स्वतंत्र का जशन मन रहा है। आज का दिन हम अपने स्वतंत्र सेनानियों को याद करने के लिए भी यूज़ करते हैं। आज हम उनकी कुर्बानियों को याद करते हैं। लगभग १०० सालों के लम्बे संघर्ष के बाद हमे स्वतंत्र प्राप्त हुई।
The Diamond Within
Hi, today I am going to raise an issue which often comes in our lives, especially in your age when you are climbing up and the things are not moving the way you would have wanted them, you would have wished them, you would have planned.
Continuity | Your Reach Is Higher Than Your Hold
Hi, I am told by some students that they are not in a position to have continuity in their studies. I mean they study for a few days with lots of zest, a lot of energy. And after a few days, they have got low and again they kind of struggle to come back and then again they come back and then go for a few days then again goes down.
Happy Independence Day, Celebrate Freedom, Celebrate Love, Jai Hind
Hi, today is a very special day. 15th of August- we celebrate as our independence day, we celebrate our freedom and we also remember our freedom fighters who gave their lives, their energy, their all possessions they had for this beautiful country.
5 W and 1 H, The 6D Approach, Answer Writing Practice
Hi, today I am trying to share with you a tool through which you would be communicating with your own mind. I suppose we gather a lot of information, we collect a lot of information and all the data and the facts information etc that we gather is somewhere kept inside the mind and then we often are at loss to understand them
Happy Teacher's Day, 10 Lessons Learnt
Hi, today is a very special day, Teacher’s day and I wanted to show my gratitude to my teachers, my students. I suppose teaching is the mother of all professions, you all know about it- because all professions come out of teaching.