5 W and 1 H, The 6D Approach, Answer Writing Practice

5 W and 1 H, The 6D Approach, Answer Writing Practice

Hi, today I am trying to share with you a tool through which you would be communicating with your own mind. I suppose we gather a lot of information, we collect a lot of information and all the data and the facts information etc that we gather is somewhere kept inside the mind and then we often are at loss to understand them

A: in totality and,
B: we find it difficult to pull out.

Here is one tool that I am trying to share with you which will help you understand the issue in their wholism, in their totality and also at the same time that will help you to pull out at a time in a manner from the direction that you would like to pick it. Here I am having the technique, which is a very old technique. But, probably when six sigma used it, when we have Sakiji, Toyota when he kind of popularized it, it became very popular. I am going to talk about today 5 Ws and 1 H. I would call it a 6 D approach of learning about things. I am sure you all know about 5 W and 1 H. WHAT, WHO, WHEN, WHERE, WHY and HOW- these are the six components that we have got six dimensions that we have got. If you pick up the facts from the point of view of WHAT, you get to know about what are the constituents of it? What are the basic components of it? Just any issue that you take up try to understanding the component of that issue, you will get a lot of ideas about that. Secondly, you should look for WHO- who are all party to that? Look at the agencies, the parties that are connected to that issue. Make a mental pigeon hole to park some of the names and the agencies and the departments and the ministries, whatever it is, who all are parties to that, stakeholders in a way you can say. The third one is the temporal frame. Temporal frame is that, what was before that what is now and what is likely to be and that’s the WHEN frame of this. The temporal chronological frame of it that you have got. The fourth that is WHERE- that is the special reference that you have got, locational reference that you got. Where this issue is happening? So, that is where you can actually find the interfacing components also. So, what, where it has happened you see all those things to which it is connected.Then comes WHY. why is basically you go deeper into the understanding of it, the rationale of it, the reason for it. And then you get a lot of information picked up in the process. And then the last that is H- is the process part of it, how part of it. How it is actually has happened which all factors contributed to what extent to make this happen. If you have got these five doubles in one edge in your mind, pigeon holes created - pulling out will be very easy. I understand the examination they may not be asking all of them together. But, then if you have them stacked in your mind.  Well, these issues always remain in control of you, your own control, in terms of picking it out the way you want. I would like you to take up an issue and try making some bubbles out of them. You take the issue in the center and write WHAT and a few words. If you house a few WHEREs, a few WHENs and then that’s the way you would actually understand the whole picture of bubbles in your mind much better. Tony busan mind mapping to a great extent the tool that he used helps you to retain better, longer and more effectively. I am sure, if you try this tool you would be in a better control of the situations of the information, not only in terms of stacking, but in terms of retrieval and that is the key to success, capacity to retrieve in the right quantity at the right time in the right manner from the right file that you have created inside. My best wishes…

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