How To Study Indian History For UPSC Exam

How To Study Indian History For UPSC Exam

How To Study Indian History For UPSC Exam

Indian History, undoubtedly, remains one of the 'most popular' and demanding optional subjects for those who take the Civil Services Main Examination. If you are not frightened by a big and long syllabus, this subject has a number of advantages, as it is easier to grasp, plenty of study material is available in the market, and covers an important segment of General Studies paper.

How To Study Indian History For UPSC Exam

How To Study Indian History For UPSC Exam

Indian History, undoubtedly, remains one of the 'most popular' and demanding optional subjects for those who take the Civil Services Main Examination. If you are not frightened by a big and long syllabus, this subject has a number of advantages, as it is easier to grasp, plenty of study material is available in the market, and covers an important segment of General Studies paper. If you talk about history as an optional paper, you could see a judicious mix of 'hard work' and 'right strategy'. 

The History paper in the UPSC Main Exam mostly stresses on the concepts behind the facts of historical happenings. Here we have put forward the 'right strategy' for each section of the subject that will help you to study Indian History For UPSC Exam. 

The subject of Indian History is divided into three categories, which is:

  • Ancient Indian history
  • Medieval Indian History
  • Modern Indian History

Let’s check out the strategy to cover these subjects.

Prepare Ancient Indian History for UPSC (Apply These Tips)

There is greater emphasis on sources available for early Indian history and this has gained currency in the new syllabus. So, candidates are advised to make notes on the sources that are available to record ancient Indian history. Among different sources, the archeological source is the most significant source for the investigation of old India. It covers from the ancient occasions to the Iron Age and you need to monitor the most recent discoveries of this source. 

In the reexamined prospectus, the politico-regulatory history from the pre-Mauryan period - the ascent of Mahajanapadas, to post-Gupta period-start of feudalism and outward patterns, has been given more centrality. So set up this area with incredible significance. 

Your methodology ought to be to begin from the Indus civilization and follow the advancement up to the post-Gupta period. The other territory of accentuation ought to be major Philosophical scholars and schools in antiquated India. Here you should make notes on Brahmanical, Buddhist and Jain philosophical schools. 

In science and arithmetic section of antiquated India, you should have notes on the commitment of the Indus valley human progress to old Indian researchers like Patanjali and Aryabhatta other than others.

Best Books for Ancient India 

  • Class XI Ancient India (Old)
  • Class VI Ancient India (Old)

Prepare Medieval Indian History for UPSC (Apply These Tips)

You may order medieval Indian history into five subsections to make things less complex: 

  • Give more prominent accentuation on contemporary students of history and wellsprings of the medieval Indian history. Get ready short answers on them 
  • You must examination the Delhi sultanate in totality. 
  • Similarly set up the whole Mughal rule comprehensively, yet give unique accentuation on the time of Akbar. 
  • In the medieval India segment set up all the commonplace traditions, however, give uncommon accentuation on the Cholas, the Vijayanagar, and the Marathas. This is the most significant segment from the assessment perspective 
  • Other Important points are Society during medieval occasions; Bhakti development: Sankaracharya, Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Kabir, Bhakti development in South India, Lingayats, Maharashtra Dharma; Sufi-development; design from early Sultanate and so forth. You should have a near and transformative methodology while setting up this segment.

Best Books for Medieval India 

The NCERT course books referenced beneath are exceptionally useful sources for the basic reading Medieval India. 

  • Class XI Medieval India (Old)
  • Class VII Medieval India (Old)
  • Class X Story of Civilization Part-II (Old)
  • Class IX Story of Civilization Part-I (Old)

Prepare Modern Indian History for UPSC (Apply These Tips)

Lion's share of the inquiries originates from Modern Indian history. It will be prudent to set up the subjects sequential and unit-wise. 

  1. British monetary strategy:

     A significant part of British colonization was financial abuse of India and its ruinous effect on the Indian culture. In such manner star, nationalistic and radical ideological perspectives must be considered while setting up the notes for this fragment. 
  2. British successes and Indian responses:

     The prospectus makes reference to Mysore, Punjab, the Marathas and their opposition against the frontier control. You should think about the local state's protection from the British victory. Next, you may set up the political, social and financial conditions prompting the 1857 revolt. Other than getting ready notes on different uprisings, for example, inborn, common and workers' revolt. 
  3. Freedom battle:

     This segment additionally represents 90-100 checks in Main General Studies paper as well. So an exhaustive and top to bottom investigation of the history of Indian patriotism from 1885 for example establishment of Indian National Congress to 1947 and Partition and opportunity of India is an unquestionable requirement for planning. Sub-separate the specific unit into the following segment: I) 1885 to 1916, which incorporates early Indian patriotism ii) 'Home Rule' development; 1916 to 1945, which is the 'Gandhian time'. You can begin structure 'Champaran try' to 'Quit India development'. iii) The Gandhian idea and strategies for mass activation ought to be given uncommon accentuation; iv) 1945 to 1947 - a sequential investigation of this part will be the correct methodology. Investigate how and why Indian patriotism, toward the end, yielded a confusing outcome, which is parcel and opportunity together; v) different strands of national development, which ran parallel to the Congress development; rise and development of the progressive psychological warfare; Swarajist development; social and socialist developments; Indian National Army - job of Subhash Chandra Bose and rise and development of communalism too should be readied. 
  4. Socio-social angles:

     I) It incorporates sub-themes like Indian Renaissance, Christian evangelist exercises, development of instructive and social arrangements and its job in the ascent of patriotism in India. ii) Other sub-subjects are on artistic characters; like Tagore, Premchand, S Bharati and others; film and theatre are significant themes. The accentuation is to follow the social development of present-day India. You need to set up your notes from such a point of view. 
  5. Independence to 1964: 

    This unit incorporates the Nehruvian period and advancement of an autonomous Indian country; Constitution, arranged economy and international strategy are the themes for the top to bottom readiness.

Best Books To Buy Online 

  • History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra
  • History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra (For Medieval Indian History)
  • India’s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma (For Ancient Indian History)
  • A Brief History of Modern India by Spectrum (History)

India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra.

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