Enjoy The Journey
Hi, I read a line sometime somewhere I don’t remember where they say like ‘when you arrive at your destination, you are very tired so you should enjoy the journey.
Enjoy The Journey
Hi, I read a line sometime somewhere I don’t remember where they say like ‘when you arrive at your destination, you are very tired so you should enjoy the journey.
Today I am going to talk about a problem which many students often feel during their preparation- the feeling of LONELINESS. You feel alone but there is nobody with me, no companion, there is nobody supporting me there’s nobody cheering me up and then I am the lone wolf there.
Stress to EuStress; Part Of Journey
Hi, today I would like to talk about a group of students who come to me complaining about STRESS. In fact, this is not among the students as the youth of the country - in fact, the youth of the world is feeling a lot of stress these days.
Challenges Are The Opportunities
Hi, today I am sharing with you the common character of achiever. One common character that I find in them is that they have always thrived in CHALLENGES. In fact, I would say those people who have achieved something in life they have grabbed the opportunity very well.
Tame The Expectations
Hi, today I am going to talk about one important reason that I have found amongst lots of students as a factor for their failure is the word called EXPECTATION. Expectation has got a Latin origin. It comes from Expectation which translates into wait, defer action.
How To Read And Revise
Hi, today I would like to talk about how to revise and often we should revise because you know that the course that you are having in front of you as far as the civil service exam is concerned is very wide and elaborate.
अपनी विशेषताओं पर भरोसा रखें
आपसे एक सीक्रेट शेयर करने वाला हूँ जिसमें कई बार आपको अभी एहसास होगा जब मैं बताता हूँ आपको तो आपका जो थॉट प्रोसेस है कई बार जो चीज़ें अनुपस्थित हैं उस ओर आकर्षित हो जाती हैं।
मार्ग ना बदले
Hi, बहुत बार लोग मुझसे पूछते है कि वो कौनसा रास्ता है जो मेरे गंतव्य तक मेरे गोल तक पहुँचा देगा। आप भी बहुत सारे इंटरव्यू सुनते रहते हैं - किसी इंटरव्यू में बोलते हैं कि रात में पढ़ाई करी थी।
4 Phases Of Preparation
Hi, today I would like to talk to you about various stages of preparation for the examination. You may be doing it already but then, I am trying to make you conscious of these various stages.
Why is Sociology considered as a safe optional?
Sociology: A Safer Optional
Sociology is nothing else than the augmentation of our sagacity with respect to the social life. As a learner, we all are connected with this society so over a period of time we have developed some basic understanding of our society.
What are the components of the training of an IRS officer?
On joining the service, IRS officers are trained mainly at National Academy of Direct Taxes (NADT), located at Nagpur, which is one of the premier National Academies of the Government of India.
What are the career prospects of an IRS officer?
An IRS officer could rise up-to the Apex Scale at the post of Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax in the ITD. At the apex level, he can also get selected as a Member or Chairperson of the CBDT.