2019-20 - AIR 0039 Ruchi Bindal

Ruchi Bindal, AIR 39, UPSC CSE 2019-20

 Hi, my name is RUCHI BINDAL. I have scored ALL INDIA RANK 39 this year and I joined KHAN STUDY GROUP for my interviews and one to one session with KHAN SIR.

It was a wonderful experience to give an interview with a wide range of expertise with the board and the questions they asked were very diverse and the feedback was also quite extensive and the one-to-one session with KHAN SIR was very helpful.

He is such a positive person that you just feel positive after talking to him. So, that is my bit in it. Apart from it, I know situations are tough right now with the pandemic going on and with a lack of resources in hand right now.

The situations are tough but I will suggest you take it as an opportunity to use it to your best because this is the time where you have the least distractions. So, use the internet wisely, use your time very wisely. divide your time very productively and strategically and I am sure you will see it through.


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