Neurodiversity can drive sustainable urban planning

News Excerpt: 

By building cities that are not only environmentally sustainable but also inclusive and welcoming for all including neurodivergent individuals, the climate movement can become more powerful by leveraging their unique strengths and perspectives.

What is Neurodiversity?

  • Neurodiversity is the idea that brains work in all sorts of ways. There’s no single “correct” way to think, learn, or act, and these differences shouldn’t be seen as deficits. 
  • Neurodiverse people have unique strengths and talents but experience the world differently and struggle in some ways when navigating neurotypical city designs.
  • Thus, making inclusive city designs a necessity.

The shortcomings of urban planning for neurodiverse individuals:

  • The social model of disability, which explains disability as being caused by society’s barriers, not an individual’s condition, has greatly influenced geographers to study city designs and the influence of people’s attitudes toward people with disabilities. 
  • However, there’s a gap in research on how cities can be inclusive. Most studies focus on physical disabilities, neglecting the needs of people with intellectual or learning disabilities. 
  • Cities can be challenging for neurodiverse people due to 
    • sensory overload, 
    • unclear navigation,
    • social exclusion. 
  • Inaccessible public transport and unpredictable environments exacerbate anxiety and limit access to city life for neurodivergent individuals.
  • Sensory overload and cities
    • Cities constantly bombard our senses with sights, sounds, smells, and movement and this can be overwhelming for anyone.
    • Some barriers to participation for neurodivergent individuals may include:
      • Bustling farmers’ markets.
      • Complex recycling instructions and unclear eco-labels.
      • Green options like cycling (which can be overwhelming in traffic) 
  • The information gap and greenwashing
    • The prevalence of greenwashing — misleading marketing about sustainability — can be particularly frustrating for those with processing difficulties
      • Unclear policies and a lack of accessible information make it difficult to make informed choices. 
      • Untrained staff at sustainable stores or markets may be unable to answer questions clearly, and 
      • expensive organic or sustainable food options can further exclude those on a tight budget.

6 ways to design sustainable, comfortable cities

  • Inclusive design: 
    • Build inclusive solutions from the start. This means involving neurodiverse individuals in city planning, listening and ensuring their voices shape a future that works for everyone.
  • Accessible information: 
    • Use clear language and visuals, and offer information in multiple formats on signage, maps and guides. This benefits everyone, from tourists to those with learning or visual impairments.
  • Designated peaceful escapes: 
    • Scatter parks with calming features like water sounds, create tiny gardens in buildings and designate quiet areas in libraries and community centres. They help everyone relax and connect with nature.
  • Walkable cities: 
    • Encouraging walking and cycling infrastructure reduces car dependency, leading to quieter streets, cleaner air and a more vibrant public space. This benefits neurodivergent individuals and promotes physical activity while reducing carbon emissions.
  • Accessible public transport: 
    • Quieter carriages, designated low-sensory waiting areas and clear visual timetables make public transport a viable option for everyone.
  • Inclusive mobility options: 
    • Promote accessible bike paths and offer alternative choices like electric scooters alongside walking and cycling infrastructure

Neurodiversity: A force for climate action

  • Individuals with neurological differences like autism, ADHD, etc. possess unique strengths that can contribute to environmental action and the climate movement.
  • Their keen observation skills, detail-oriented focus, passion for justice, and innovative thinking make them invaluable assets to the climate movement.
  • Inclusive urban design plays a crucial role in unlocking the potential of neurodivergent individuals by creating a sense of belonging and empowering them to participate in sustainability efforts.
  • Public spaces, museums, libraries, cinemas, shopping malls, sports venues, and parks are becoming more inclusive and welcoming for neurodivergent individuals through sensory-friendly design elements, quiet zones, visual aids, and structured activities.
  • Inclusive design for neurodiversity is not just about social justice but also smart city planning, as clear signage, accessible transport, and calming spaces benefit everyone, including tourists and families with young children.
  • By building cities that are not only environmentally sustainable but also inclusive and welcoming for all including neurodivergent individuals, the climate movement can become more powerful by leveraging their unique strengths and perspectives.

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