7 Week - 7 Question challenge

KSG is glad to announce the 7 Week - 7 Question challenge. This is a Free initiative of KSG to enable students to Prepare for Mains simultaneously with Prelims. In this series, we will provide 7 Questions from different subjects. The motive is not to test your informational adequacy but to test and improvise your answer writing skill.


7 Questions will be provided to the students via our website at 1 pm on Mondays starting from 16th Jan for Seven Weeks till 27th Feb

First 10 copies will be evaluated by Experts and will be provided within 48 hours

Model Approach of these questions will be uploaded on the same day on the Website at 7 pm

What will aspirants get in this challenge?

1. Revision of Topics

2. Understanding the command word

3. Learning the art of decoding the demand of the question

4. Learning the skills of adding X-Factor to your answer

5. Learning the art of writing a good intro and conclusion

6. Value addition of content through Model Materials

7. Time management in answer writing

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