
What should be the strategy 1 month before the UPSC CSE prelims?

What should be the strategy 1 month before the UPSC CSE prelims?

Prior to one month, you should focus on multiple revisions and use a strategic strategy to boost your confidence.

What should be the strategy 1 month before the UPSC CSE prelims?

Prior to one month, you should focus on multiple revisions and use a strategic strategy to boost your confidence. By this time, you must have covered your major portion, so focus on memorizing all the content with the help of flashcards and short notes with a calm and relaxed mind.

I am sharing some tips with you that you can use in your preparation. 

  • Solve past years' questions to 
  • Make yourself familiar with as many topics as possible. 
  • Improve skills of intelligent guessing and elimination strategy 
  • Remove the fear of facing unknown questions.

Read/solve all 100 questions. Don’t count your scores. Focus only on the learning part.

  • Try to quickly revise all the important dates and events using small notes that you made during your preparation. 
  • Daily, solve at least 400 multiple-choice questions. Let them be subjectwise. 
  • Start with past UPSC papers and then move to test series papers. You can give 2–3 days per subject.
  • In between, give full-length mocks where you should treat them as actual UPSC papers and try to limit your attempts to a certain number of questions that gives you an 80 percent accuracy rate (for example, if you attempt 80 questions, 60 to 65 should be correct)
  • Above all else, you need to start having fun in everything you do. Never give the test any thought. Just concentrate on remembering the information and developing your skills.
  • Always (and consciously) strive to maintain a healthy weight and complete relaxation.
  • Only read recent current affairs; avoid reading anything new. Then start revising your notes/books that you have read till now. 
  • Mostly through CA quizzes and review materials, read current events.

There are various subjects such as history, geography, economy, environment, and polity. Day by day, these subjects are becoming current affairs oriented so focus on current affairs to quick action in the exam hall. 

Below are some Subject specific suggestions -

  • History- It is the trend of UPSC to ask questions based on a timeline. So, it would be in favor of you to revise the major timeline and respective events for ancient and modern history. If you don’t want to read the whole content then it is okay but at least take a closer look at the summary of every chapter. Ex. In ’21 mains, they asked questions on the particular events that occurred in the late 1920s or 1930s. For such questions if you know the timelines, you can eliminate them easily.
  • Geography- UPSC asks area-specific questions hence, you should have a holistic understanding of mapping. Most importantly, the Mediterranean Sea and the Middle East, India, and neighboring countries (rivers and tributaries, mountain ranges & imp. passes in the Himalayas) 
  • Economy- Economy questions are becoming more focused on current affairs. So, accordingly, prepare. have some basic ideas regarding technological solutions used for different economic schemes and apps. 
  • Environment - Continue to review environmental bodies' rulings and actions taken by various administrative agencies, including the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Climate Change. For some years now, agriculture has been a hot topic in this industry.
  • Polity: Core conceptual questions are now frequently asked. If you don't fully understand a question, leave it. Don't wing it on the exam. 
  • Cover all important schemes: international bodies, their locations, Imp. Reports and indices published by them, and the respective ranks of India. You need to be well-versed in some centrally sponsored programs. You should be familiar with some centrally sponsored programs in depth. They might inquire about the minimum age requirements for various socioeconomic groups to participate in a given program. Schemes that target women and have a social impact are more crucial. Make several revisions to them. Regarding the centrally sponsored scheme, basic math should also be understood. i.e., ranks, number of people who will benefit, targets.

For the aforementioned crucial points in each subject, make brief notes of two to three pages. Furthermore, keep editing them. Do daily revisions for all important locations.

If possible, see the diagrams of arts and culture-related topics. That way, you can remember them for a longer period of time. Never worry about your mock test performance. If you have made learning your top priority throughout, you will succeed without a doubt.

Maintain your smile while appearing for the exam. 

I wish you all the best!!

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