Which is more Difficult to Clear, the UPSC Prelim or UPSC Mains?

Which is more Difficult to Clear, the UPSC Prelim or UPSC Mains

Which is more Difficult to Clear, the UPSC Prelim or UPSC Mains?

A very common question that always be on the minds of aspirants aiming to be IAS officers is, which is more difficult to clear, the UPSC Prelim or UPSC Mains? However, both the exam have their own importance and trick to clear.

Which is more Difficult to Clear, the UPSC Prelim or UPSC Mains?

A very common question that always be on the minds of aspirants aiming to be IAS officers is, which is more difficult to clear, the UPSC Prelim or UPSC Mains? However, both the exam have their own importance and trick to clear. As a beginner its very common to raise questions like which is better to start with Mains or Prelims? Well to help you in this situation, here we will be discussing some important points that will help you on which one you need to choose first to crack the exam with such consummate ease. Let us analyze which one is more difficult “Prelims or Mains”.

Prelims (Objective) vs Mains (Subjective) –

The IAS preliminary (Prelims) is the first stage of UPSC Civil Services Exam. The exam is completely based on the multiple choice questions, which are objective in nature. On the other hand IAS Main (Mains) is the next and the second stage of the selection process for IAS. Questions in this round are subjective and should be hand-written in an answer format supplied in UPSC booklet.

Syllabus Pattern in Both Exams –

As per the UPSC norms the syllabus of prelims includes General Studies Paper 1 and General Studies Paper 2 that covers subjects like Indian and World Geography, Indian History,Economics, Environment, Indian Polity, Science and Technology, and Current Affairs. Meanwhile, on IAS Mains the papers includes a broad range of topics that covers a wide-syllabus.

What’s the right preparing strategy?

As we all know Prelims and Mains in IAS is in sync with each other hence most of the candidates start their preparations for Prelims and Mains at the same time. However, one should note that, prelims is your first priority to qualify as without prelims you won’t be able to appear for the IAS Mains

UPSC Prelim or UPSC Mains – What’s Our Recommendation?

UPSC Prelims and Mains overlap with each other in terms of topics. The major difference is that Mains requires lot of analytical thinking and writing skills, while prelims is only bound to be on a MCQ type of questions. For all the beginners out there we recommend you to maintain a strategized time table for your studies such as in a day try to prepare 4 hours for Prelims and 4 hours for Mains, as this approach will help you to clear all your doubts for Mains and also help you to prepare well for prelims.

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