10 Last-Minute Tips to Crack UPSC IAS Prelims 2020
As the IAS exam is coming near, the anxiety and stress among the students are also going up. As it's no secret that the level of competition is quite high in this exam, everyone tries to give their 100% to crack it. A lot of aspirants regret that due to tension and stress they didn't write up the answers correctly despite of having good knowledge of it. It happens!
10 Last-Minute Tips to Crack UPSC IAS Prelims 2020
As the IAS exam is coming near, the anxiety and stress among the students are also going up. As it's no secret that the level of competition is quite high in this exam, everyone tries to give their 100% to crack it. A lot of aspirants regret that due to tension and stress they didn't write up the answers correctly despite of having good knowledge of it. It happens! You’re not the only one. Experts and IAS toppers have suggested last-minute tips that every IAS aspirant should follow to ensure that they score good marks in the coming IAS Prelims examination.
Don’t Open The Book, Revise From The Self Notes Prepared
Not everyone is a genius to revise the whole book of around 600 pages at the eleventh hour. Wise students prepare their self notes to take help at the last-minute of exams. Do revision of your subject from those notes that you have made for the revision. Neither you can read the whole book nor does it help. That’s why your mentors emphasize to prepare notes. Also while revising the syllabus, place the most important topics on the top and then subsequent topics on the basis of marking scheme.
Don’t Rush to Write the Answer, Read the Question Carefully.
You must have noticed that at the top of the question paper, it’s written - ‘Read the questions carefully’. This is very important! Students must read the questions carefully and completely before attempting to write the answers. Sometimes paper setters ask simple questions in a tricky way, so it might confuse you. For this, you may practice the previous year’s question papers or take a mock test.
Keep up the Balance Between Speed & Accuracy
Speed and accuracy go side by side. During the examination don’t get nervous and make mistakes. Instead, be careful and keep the right balance between speed and accuracy. A wrong answer is worthless even if given speedily and the right answer is also useless if given in more than a required time frame. Students have to give the right answer within the right amount of time. Practicing mock tests more and more is the only solution to do it.
Locate Your Exam Centre in Advance
It has been noticed that many times candidates rush to the exam centers at the last moment or just few minutes before the commencement of the exam. This may take you in serious issues like expelling to give the exam also. IAS Students are suggested to reach the examination center an hour before the scheduled time and locate them in advance. This saves you from unnecessary stress and worry.
Don’t Forget Important Documents
Always remember to keep your Admit card, ID proof, Photograph, and photocopies of all these documents in your bag. Admit card is the entry pass for entering into the exam center otherwise you won’t be allowed to step into the exam room.
Good Food, Good Exams
Eating a healthy and balanced diet is important to reduce the level of stress. Students should take a healthy breakfast, which helps them to concentrate on exams well. Studies have shown that students, who eat breakfast daily, can study for more hours as compared to the other students. It is a good idea to replace junk and fast foods like Chips, Pizza, and French Fries with Apple and juice. Adding roughage is also suggested by experts.
Sleep Well
You must have heard about Insomnia. It’s an inability to fall asleep and is very common among students during exams. It is recommended that you should take a proper sleep of at least 7 - 8 hours daily. If in case, the problem persists, you should see a doctor.
Do Physical Exercise
Walk, go to Gym, go for jogging, or even a simple physical exercise works magically to take away your stress. Exercise and food habits are connected. If you do a lot of exercises but follow an unhealthy diet, the later spoils the former efforts. You can also play your favorite sports or dance on your favorite song which itself is a good physical exercise. Find at least an hour for physical activities.
Play Games & Improve Your Mental Health
There are a lot of mental game applications on Android and Apple App stores to install. Install them and daily play at least 15 minutes. You may solve math problems, mind games, word puzzles, etc. This develops confidence and positivity eliminating stress.
Time Management and Carving Best Study Plans
It is impractical that one can study for hours without breaks. So, you should take breaks in every 1 hour. Students should find out at which time they can pay the highest level of concentration like some are comfortable to study at night while some are a morning person. You can choose to study in groups with friends for tough subjects.
Don’t entangle into past results and focus on upcoming exams. Find out your weak areas and work hard to convert threats into opportunities. Choose a place for pursuing studies where you can focus and stay away from distractions. Continue to revise every day instead of keeping it pending for a few days before exams.