
UPSC Urdu Syllabus 2022 – IAS Mains Optional Subjects

UPSC Urdu Syllabus 2022 – IAS Mains Optional Subjects

The Union Public Service Commission allows the aspirants to take Urdu as one of the optional literature subjects for the IAS (UPSC CSE) Main exam.

UPSC Urdu Syllabus 2022 – IAS Mains Optional Subjects

The Union Public Service Commission allows the aspirants to take Urdu as one of the optional literature subjects for the IAS (UPSC CSE) Main exam. Urdu is one of the 22 official languages as per the Indian Constitution. Urdu has a growing body of literary works, which includes prose, and poetry.

Urdu syllabus is released by the UPSC through their official notification. It's time for the candidates to get familiar with the syllabus as the IAS (UPSC CSE) exam 2022 date is announced. Students have enough time for revision. 

We will suggest you cover all the topics and do not leave any topic because each-and-every topic is equally important from an exam point of view. 

Here, you will get complete insights into the Urdu syllabus.

UPSC Urdu Literature Syllabus 2022


Section A 

Development of Urdu Language 

(a) Development of Indo-Aryan 

(i) Old Indo-Aryan 

(ii) Middle Indo-Aryan 

(iii) New Indo-Aryan. 

(b) Western Hindi and its dialects Brij Bhasha Khadi Boli, Haryanavi, Kannauji, Bundeli—Theories about the origin of Urdu language. 

(c) Dakhani Urdu—origin and development, its significant linguistic features. 

(d) Social and Cultural roots of Urdu language— and its distinctive features. Script, Phonology, Morphology, Vocabulary. 

Section B 

(a) Genres and their development :

 (i) Poetry: Ghazal, Masnavi, Qasida, Marsia, Rubai Jadid Nazm.

(ii) Prose: Novel, Short Story, Dastan, Drama, Inshaiya, Khutoot, Biography. 

(b) Significant feaures of : 

(i) Deccani, Delhi, and Lucknow schools, 

(ii) Sir Syed movement, Romantic movement, Progressive movement, Modernism. 

(c) Literary Criticism and its development with reference to Hali, Shibli, Kaleemuddin Ahmad, Ehtisham Hussain, Ale-Ahmad Suroor. 

(d) Essay writing (covering literary and imaginative topics). 


This paper will require first-hand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the candidate's critical ability. 

Section A 

  1. Mir Amman Bagho-Babar
  2. Ghalib Intikhab-e-Khutoot-e Ghalib 
  3. Mohd. Husain Azad Nairang-e-Khayal 
  4. Prem Chand Godan 
  5. Rajendra Singh Bedi Apne Dukh Mujhe Dedo 
  6. Abul Kalam Azad Ghubar-e-Khatir 

Section B 

  1. Mir Intikhab-e-Kalam-e-Mir (Ed. Abdul Haq.) 
  2. Mir Hasan Sahrul Bayan 
  3. Ghalib Diwan-e-Ghalib 
  4. Iqbal Bal-e-Jibrail 
  5. Firaq Gul-e-Naghma 
  6. Faiz Dast-e-Saba 
  7. Akhtruliman Bint-e-Lamhat

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