The Diamond Within
Hi, today I am going to raise an issue which often comes in our lives, especially in your age when you are climbing up and the things are not moving the way you would have wanted them, you would have wished them, you would have planned.
The Diamond Within
Hi, today I am going to raise an issue which often comes in our lives, especially in your age when you are climbing up and the things are not moving the way you would have wanted them, you would have wished them, you would have planned. But they are not moving the way you would have anticipated. Quite often, I mean you have got those external factors that are not in your favor. They are against you. They have got to be. They are not meant to be pushing you. I mean that’s something which is understandable. And as I always say, if you are climbing up, you are running short of your breath, you have difficulty. Because you are going against gravity, you are going up. But, the problem comes, when it gets internalized. When you feel like, ‘oh god what is this happening to me, that I have got a problem?’ But what you start doing is that you start accepting that, you start INTERNALIZING that. And when you have internalized that, you look for some motivator. You just go to YouTube, you go to this source, you go to that source. But, then let’s not forget one thing, you cannot type in google or wiki for that matter, ‘what is wrong with me?’ Do you think there will be an answer that will be popping out? Here lies my today’s topic of discussion with you. Please remember everything has got two sides, and somebody at best would see one side of it and nobody can flip your coin. You are the only one who has seen the other side of the coin and you are the one who can flip your coin. Try going INSIDE. Go DEEPER inside. And I think if you go deeper inside, I suppose you would be able to really find a better answer than a motivator may have or an outsider may have. An outsider may just ask you, that what I am doing at the moment. Please look inside, look within because if you go deeper, you look inside, I think you should trust the GRAVITY. The dust will settle down. This dust would whatever those things that you are not able to see outside. Don’t see outside when there is too much of fog, too much of dust. Look inside and I think, you DISCOVER yourself, your TRUEST self. As you always like to believe in that ‘in the GREATEST CHAOS.’ When the chaos is maximum, you know what is the metal that you are made up of. And I think the GREATEST opportunity lies in the greatest chaos. When the interrupt is very high, the disorder is maximum, you get to know the truest elements that are lying in that. I suppose that is the time I’d like you to look inside because this is very simple, I would always believe your hunger and you alone know it. Nobody knows how hungry you are? If things are not going in your favor. But you are hungry, go out and grab it. How would anybody else would tell you now you are hungry and you should go and eat. No. You only know your hunger. You only know your thirst. You only know your own requirement. So, instead of asking others, I think going inside is abetter idea. Looking inside is a better idea because NOBODY knows your hunger. Nobody knows how much you actually need. And I think, if you have got the taste of your failure, take it as just the glory has just been delayed. That’s a very old proverb they say, ‘failure is glory delayed.’ Let it be like that. But, don’t GIVE UP. I think if you are able to look inside and appreciate the beautiful you, YOU ARE A DIAMOND. And I am sure you have to really look deeper. A lot of answers that you have inside, is just waiting for you to discover and waiting for your call. If I am able to convey that you are the most PRECIOUS ELEMENT for yourself, I have done my job. My best wishes…