
Should one start preparing for UPSC during the last six months of the graduation,or start once it is over?

Should one start preparing for UPSC during the last six months of the graduation,or start once it is over?

As graduation is the basic requirement of the examination, one should focus on getting a good score and understanding the subjects well with full conceptual clarity. As the ultimate aim is to appear in the civil services examination,t here are certain suggestions one should keep in mind.

Should one start preparing for UPSC during the last six months of the graduation,or start once it is over?

As graduation is the basic requirement of the examination, one should focus on getting a good score and understanding the subjects well with full conceptual clarity. As the ultimate aim is to appear in the civil services examination,t here are certain suggestions one should keep in mind. The preparation for civil services examination, requires a lot of determination and time Management. As it is a long journey one should first and foremost start with making a plan. Proper planning in this examination along with its successful implementation will help you gain the clarity and self confidence much needed in this examination.


As one will be nearing the graduation examination, the primary focus should be on this upcoming examination. You should also simultaneously try to keep some hours for the civil services examination preparation. One should sit and analyse how many hours are there with aspirants. In the first 4 months one should list how many hours can be taken out for the preparations. Start by allocating few hours between the civil services examination preparation and the upcoming graduation examination in the next 4 months. Ofcourse, one should eventually reduce the hours given for the preparation of civil services exam in the last two months as the graduation exams should be the primary focus right now.


There is a great role of the background preparation that goes on warming you up before you actually start going on the track. Assuming that you have not started the preparation, you should first start looking at the syllabus of the Civil service examination, for both PT as well as MAINS. After getting an idea about the syllabus you should look at the previous years questions and their trending patterns. Spending some hours in learning the syllabus and seeing the kind of questions being asked in the examination, will give you a fair sense and an idea  about the kind of preparation that should be undertaken in coming times.


One should do an exhaustive research about the resource materials that would be required for this preparation. Take out some time from your allotted hours to do some research about the optional subject that you would be taking. An in-depth and intensive research should be undertaken to identify the sources you would require to prepare for it. Once the graduation examination is over, planning should be done on how to utilise the time. "Planning for the planning" is also important. You should be planning right away as to how you are going to plan your months further which will eventually save you much time and efforts.


Try to incorporate the habit of reading newspapers and while reading newspapers, you should develop a fair idea of what kind of news you are supposed to read for the CSE.It will give you a fair idea about the important items one should read and incorporate as a part of the daily routine.


One should be aware that there is no such requirement of mugging up or reading too much in detail as the key for the examination is in having conceptual clarity.You should keep your eye on your primary target,i.e the graduation exam and not let eyes go off this target because ultimately a good graduation also add up to the real requirement of this examination.Getting an idea about how to go about preparing for this is how one can make the best use of the time in hand presently.

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