Importance of Good Health for Cracking UPSC Civil Services Exam

Importance of Good Health for Cracking UPSC Civil Services Exam

Importance of Good Health for Cracking UPSC Civil Services Exam

As the saying goes “To keep the body in good health is a duty……otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”So while preparing for the most prestigious exam of the country taking care of health should be the priority.

 Importance of Good Health for Cracking UPSC Civil Services Exam

Importance of good health for cracking UPSC civil services exam

As the saying goes “To keep the body in good health is a duty……otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”So while preparing for the most prestigious exam of the country taking care of health should be the priority. Here we are going to share few tips to take care of health when you are on your toes for the big day. Starting from the filling of forms, appearing for prelims till the interview, long preparation demands lots of hard work academically, physically and mentally.

To be able to see your name in the final list, physical and mental health should be taken care of on priority basis. Taking good care of your weight is very important from health point of view as today may be you are an IAS aspirant but tomorrow you may be an IAS officer which demands you to be in good health and active. Healthy physique gives you confidence to face the interview board. A healthy person is considered to be a preferred choice and UPSC will obviously prefer candidates those who are healthy, fit and active.

Here you will find few tips to take care of your health while you prepare for the most prestigious exam in India.

  • Take proper sleep: For a healthy and well-functioning brain you need a proper sleep. If you are sleep deprived your brain will not be able to think properly. For a well-functioning brain, you need to have 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day.
  • Eat Right: Healthy diet is must for a healthy mind. Eat regular meals at regular intervals which are high on fiber and vitamins. Include green vegetables, milk, dry fruits and plenty of water in your diet. To help improve your concentration include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Flaxseeds, Chiaseeds, trout are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and help in improving brain function and memory. Avoid taking heavy meals.
  • Exercise: It is no more a hidden fact that exercising keeps our mind relaxed and body healthy. Make a routine for some physical exercise be it walking, stretching or running. Exercising releases happy hormones that keeps you relaxed and energetic.
  • Eat healthy breakfast: Breakfast is the first meal of the day that you eat after 8-10 hours. Make sure not to miss your breakfast and it should be a healthy meal which includes all essential nutrients. Stay away from high sugar and high-fat food as these foods are difficult to digest and makes you lethargic too.
  • Drink plenty of water: Drinking water should be the part of your health regime. Water gives us important minerals and keeps us calm. Keep taking liquids be it buttermilk, juices, coconut water and keep yourself hydrated.
  • Manage your stress level: There will be so many factors that will make you stressed. This stress level will take a toll on your health. Practice yoga and meditation and try to destress and clam yourself. Being stressed will make you crave more for unhealthy food. Being calm and healthy will let you sail through.

Big no to junk food: Junk food is tempting but actively harmful. Not having food at the appropriate time will make you crave for fast food. This is useless for your body and makes you sleepy and inactive. Avoid junk food to keep yourself healthy and active. Take only healthy and nutritious food.

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