IAS Exam Preparation Schedule For Working Professionals

IAS Exam Preparation Schedule For Working Professionals

IAS Exam Preparation Schedule For Working Professionals

Since IAS examination is one of the toughest examinations in the world it requires full-time investment in terms of hard work and dedicated studies. But there are working professionals who ...

IAS Exam Preparation Schedule For Working Professionals

IAS Exam Preparation Schedule For Working Professionals

Since IAS examination is one of the toughest examinations in the world it requires full-time investment in terms of hard work and dedicated studies. But there are working professionals who are occupied during day-time in their jobs and they find it quite impossible to gear up for the IAS examination having no time left for studies. Here are some IAS preparation tips for working professionals to pursue their dream of clearing the IAS examination that may help them to find out time for studies from the busy and tight schedule.

Utilise the time before work:

Keep at least two hours allotted for general studies before heading towards work. Do not procrastinate and utilise the time wisely.

During work studies:

this may sound weird but think of the times you are having lunch breaks or just refreshment breaks. To utilise the time wisely, go through newspapers and get updated with the current affairs. Surf the internet to know world news. You can allow 30 to 45 minutes per day for this purpose.

After work hours:

After getting back home, have some tea and coffee and then kick-start your preparation for optional subjects.  Try to spend at least two hours on this.

Remove negatives by ample revision:

The negative goes down with more and more revision. You attempt a question only when you have heard about it. And the problem arises when you have heard about the topic, you have the acquaintance, but you cannot answer. So, revision is necessary because it engages you with the topic by analysing it. Your two hours before sleep should be dedicated to the revision of the topics you have already read.

So this is a general structure that can be applied to make a schedule for working professionals willing to crack the IAS examination. It can be rescheduled as per convenience.

Here are some additional IAS preparation tips for working professionals to do better in their preparation. They are-

  1. Do not waste your time being on social media:

Social Media consumes your hours before you know it. So, try to stay away from social media. Despite that, try using educational apps and surf educational websites in your spare time that can be helpful in this journey. Numerous apps are there to guide you thoroughly and can even suggest you your study plan.

  1. Buy the best books:

No matter how online education has been prosperous over time, still books are the best guide you can ever have in your life. So, do buy the best books recommended by the experts and study them well. Carry them with you always so that you can go through them when you get spare time at work. 

  1. Read interviews of successful aspirants:

To stay motivated during this roller-coaster, do read the toppers' interviews. Try to know about their smart study plan and their time management. Their strategies can enlighten your path. Many exemplary working professionals have been able to crack the IAS examination. So, do take suggestions from them and follow their instructions to reach your goal. 


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