IAS Admit Card 2020 - Click Here To Get Complete Information

IAS Admit Card 2020

IAS Admit Card 2020 - Click Here To Get Complete Information

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IAS Admit Card 2020

IAS Admit Card 2020 - Click Here To Get Complete Information

UPSC exam 2020 is now just a few months away. And along with academic preparation, students shouldn't forget about documentary requirements. Admit card although seems a minor thing to get download anytime at the eleventh hour, it seems creepy when any technical glitch occurs in the system. So, it is wise to get everything ready in advance.

It is advised to all the students who are appearing in civil service next year; get all the information about the UPSC IAS Admit Card so that you can save yourself from the last-minute hassle. Before we know the step-by-step procedure of downloading and printing UPSC IAS Admit Card, here are some tips and suggestions regarding UPSC IAS Admit Card.

Things to Keep in Mind About UPSC IAS Admit Card.

  • UPSC IAS Admit Card can only be downloaded online. There is no another way to get it.
  • Don't trust third-party sources to download the admit card. Always visit the official website.
  • Candidates must carry their admit card in all papers otherwise they may not be allowed to enter into the centre rightfully.
  • IAS admit card consists of the details like Name of the candidate, DOB, photograph, and signature of the candidate.
  • Along with the admit card, candidates must have to bring an original ID proof at the examination centre.
  • In case if there is any discrepancy in the admit card, you should inform the department at the earliest through email. The email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (For Applicant's data problem) and web-upsc@nic in (For any technical problem)
  • If in case, your photograph prints blur or unclear, bring any of your latest passport size photographs to the examination hall.

Requirements for Downloading Admit Card

  • An active internet connection.
  • A laptop or computer. It is suggested to log in through a desktop computer or laptop for avoiding any issue.
  • Your UPSC registration number or Roll No.
  • Date of Birth.

How to Download UPSC IAS Admit Card 2020

Candidates have to visit the official website of the UPSC department for downloading the valid admit card. It has to be noted that only hard copy of the admit card is admissible at the examination hall. Soft copies will not be entertained. Here is the complete process to get your hard copy of admit card in your hand.

  • First of all, go to the official website of UPSC. The official website is https://www.upsc.gov.in
  • Go to the section "Admit card for UPSC exams"
  • Find the one you are appearing for such as IAS, IFS etc.
  • Click on the link given there "Download UPSC IAS admit card 2020"
  • For login, you need to enter either the roll no. or registration no.
  • When verified, you will be redirected to the admit card page.
  • Check all the details.
  • Save it.
  • Print it.
  • If you have any discrepancy in the admit card, contact through the above-mentioned email ID.

What Details You Should Check on the UPSC IAS Admit Card

Admit card is a very important document that establishes the identity of the candidate appearing in the exam. It carries the following information about the candidate. If students take this for granted and do not approach the authorities for correction of wrong information in the admit card, they may even have to lose their dream of becoming an IAS.

  • Full name of the candidate.
  • Roll No. of the candidate.
  • Date of birth of the candidate.
  • Father's name of the candidate. (This is very useful in case when more than one candidate has the same name and surname)
  • Candidates latest photo.
  • Signature of the candidate.
  • Dates of exam and paper details.
  • Time of exam.
  • The venue of the examination hall, and,
  • General instructions for attempting the question paper and how to behave in the examination hall.

What to do When Your Admit Card has Wrong Details?

If your UPSC IAS Admit Card does not match with your information, don't panic. It happens either due to a technical glitch or mistakes done by you while filling the form, probably. Well, whatever be the reason is, it is possible to make corrections. However, the process is a bit lengthy.

As and when you identify that your admit card is mismatched with your information, instead of getting nervous, just follow the instructions. You should immediately contact the concerned department for correcting the mistakes in your admit card. Remember, if you keep this task for the last moment, you might fall in trouble on the day of the exam.

The authorities entertain the following discrepancies.

  • When your name is spelt incorrectly in the admit card.
  • When your PwD or DA status is not correct in the admit card.
  • If the centre of the examination is not the one which you have selected at the time of filling the exam form.
  • If your photograph is not appearing on the admit card.
  • When you are registered successfully but unable to download or print the admit card.
  • Your Date of birth is not the same as you fill in the examination form.
  • Your father's name is not correct.

If you face any issue mentioned above, contact the UPSC authorities without wasting time. There are also toll-free numbers available on the official website, which you can dial for help from Monday to Saturday anytime between 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.

Things You Should/Should Not Bring at The Examination Centre.

  • Original and xerox of Id proof.
  • No electronic gadgets like mobile phones, earphones, calculators, Bluetooth, etc.

Never try to make use of any unfair means.

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