How To Make Notes From Newspaper For UPSC Current Affairs

How To Make Notes From Newspaper For UPSC Current Affairs

How To Make Notes From Newspaper For UPSC Current Affairs

A newspaper is considered to be the gateway to world news. Every morning newspapers bring to us exclusive news from every corner of our country as well as the world. And being a UPSC aspirant you must be updated with all the current affairs around the world. And in this scenario, newspapers can be the best study material for answering the current affairs questions.

How To Make Notes From Newspaper For UPSC Current Affairs

How To Make Notes From Newspaper For UPSC Current Affairs

A newspaper is considered to be the gateway to world news. Every morning newspapers bring to us exclusive news from every corner of our country as well as the world. And being a UPSC aspirant you must be updated with all the current affairs around the world. And in this scenario, newspapers can be the best study material for answering the current affairs questions.

So, in this write up, you will learn how you can make notes from the newspapers you read for answering the current affairs questions in UPSC examinations.

Note making is considered to be an art because a note should consist of all the relevant information in a brief and concise form. Making it attractive with additional informative data is beneficial as well. 

Two methods can be followed for making notes from newspapers for UPSC's current affairs. Go through them and find out which one is convenient for you. 

Register/book/pages or flip cards method: 

You can use register books or pages and even flip cards to keep the record of the current affairs. You can even make things more organized by categorizing all the data as per months, subjects, or topics. 

Digital method:

Since the internet gives us the most updated results, it is always a wise choice to make notes digitally. You can use the Evernote notebooks app that can help you to classify data even more easily. The digital method makes the updating of note easier since the process is automatic. 

Other factors to be remembered: 

  • The newspaper's editorials are very important and are highly recommended while making notes since it consists of most current information regarding government schemes, geographical issues, RBI initiatives, poverty, drought, monsoon conditions, etc and you can use them while making notes for UPSC current affairs preparation.
  • Do not pay attention to those articles that mostly involve Reading about the political parties. Add to that, Issues regarding the elections or political parties having no relevance to the constitution or administration of India should be avoided while making notes. Entertainment and its criticism cover a big part of the newspaper but it has nothing to do with the UPSC syllabus, so you must not consider them reading while you are making notes. 
  • The science and technology part of the newspaper is very important because it supplies all the news regarding the current research and projects going on around the world. So, do pay attention and note down the latest inventions or findings obtained from modern research.
  • Do not forget to note down the social issues and challenges that our society or our country is facing. It might also help while writing down the essay type questions.
  • Do not forget to keep checking on the hot topics that include linking of rivers, water conservation, water disputes, etc and note it down as per the news update
  • Make the note categorized well as per subjects so that you can give a quick revision or you can find the topic easily whenever needed. 

And last but not the least; do not procrastinate when there is a news update regarding a particular subject. If you do not update it at the right time, you might end up reading the previous data which would be considered as an incorrect answer in the examination.

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