How do you remember so many things for the UPSC CSE?
As we all know the UPSC CSE syllabus is very vast. So, aspirants need to study well and they have a lot to remember, things, topics, pointers, and concepts. They have to be aware of the current issues. in order to remember everything, they have to prepare proper planning, strategies and set these in a proper pattern.
How do you remember so many things for the UPSC CSE?
As we all know the UPSC CSE syllabus is very vast. So, aspirants need to study well and they have a lot to remember, things, topics, pointers, and concepts. They have to be aware of the current issues. in order to remember everything, they have to prepare proper planning, strategies and set these in a proper pattern.
Some strategies to memorise efficiently are:
Build a mind map
The fuel of innovation and intelligence is mental connections. One of the more efficient ways is using "Mind Maps." which are the best ways to make mental associations. Make a fast overview of the topic's different connections. This will benefit you in memorizing all of the details in order. When you generate diagrams, it is also quicker to memorize. It's much easier to remember things when they're in visual form.
Build flashcards
The best way to revise and remember is to use Flashcards. With the help of a flashcard you can easily test your factual knowledge, with this you can also quickly revise the complete syllabus. Do not put a lot of information in a single flashcard. Use multiple flashcards and make them visually appealing.
Study more like you're actually teaching
The best strategy is to effectively plant new knowledge while also maintaining old knowledge.
It is stated that teaching is the most appropriate method of memorizing. Study as if you were going to teach the concept to others in simple language. This helps you to express opinions to yourself while also allowing you to have a thorough understanding of the subject. When you've finished reading, try explaining it to someone else. If you can perform it smoothly, it shows you have a thorough understanding of the subject and will retain the knowledge for a long time.
The key to success is a revision
Revision is essential for remembering all you've learned. You may spend 3 hours learning about a subject for the first time. You will be able to complete the topic in less than three hours in the first round, then in less than 3 hours in the third revision, and so on. Multiple revisions will assure that the material is firmly etched in your memories. This will also support you in enabling your ideas to flow freely while attempting the IAS examination.
If candidates start working on these areas candidates will definitely crack the UPSC IAS examination. So, candidates can start their preparation by following these strategies for getting better results to achieve their goals.