
Best Anthropology Optional Books for UPSC Mains

Best Anthropology Optional Books for UPSC Mains

With a significant reduction in the UPSC Anthropology syllabus, it has emerged as one of the safest options for a UPSC IAS Exam candidate.

Best Anthropology Optional Books for UPSC Mains

With a significant reduction in the UPSC Anthropology syllabus, it has emerged as one of the safest options for a UPSC IAS Exam candidate. The curriculum has been much simplified, and if attention is paid to the intricacies of Anthropology Optional, the civil services test will become much simpler to pass.

This post will provide you with a list from which to select the top anthropological book for IAS.

Candidates with biology as a graduation subject or even doctors have an advantage when it comes to anthropology as an optional subject. Nonetheless, any aspirant with a strong desire to understand this topic will do well in this optional. The most important stage is to study and comprehend the UPSC Mains Anthropology syllabus since it is necessary to evaluate one's interest before going with the optional preparation.

Anthropology is divided into two papers in the IAS Civil Services Exam. Each paper is worth 250 marks.

The Anthropology optional books are limited in number, and candidates may select one or two from the specified list. Following one book will be enough. However, aspirants can consult additional books to obtain information on issues not included in the chosen book.

UPSC optional anthropology books:

  • Physical Anthropology – P Nath 
  • Fossil Evidence – S Das
  • Social Anthropology – DN Majumdar & T N Madan
  • Indian Anthropology—Nadeem Hasnain
  • Anthropology Theories – Makhan Jha

Optional Strategy: Anthropology

As the saying goes, "the essence of strategy is knowing what not to do." Thus, here are a few pointers to help you prepare for the UPSC optional subject of Anthropology:

  • An aspirant can do well in essay papers if they have a solid grasp of anthropology.
  • Coaching has a very limited impact in this situation. Anthropology optional preparation does not require intense coaching if a candidate is ready to work hard and study according to the curriculum. One may rely on reliable sources, written notes from reputable institutes, and consistent practice.
  • The sources indicated above do not have to be read from beginning to end. It is critical to be selective depending on the topics covered in the curriculum. It is recommended to start with one source and then pull specific information, examples, illustrations, and case studies about that issue from other related publications if the material for that topic needs to be supplemented.
  • An early start with a planned and concentrated approach might help you complete the curriculum successfully.
  • It is recommended that you take brief and detailed notes for both papers so that you may revise them afterward. The physical anthropology section of paper one can be extremely scoring, so try as many questions from this section as possible.
  • Because of the dynamic character of Paper 2, it is advised to keep a careful eye on current events in newspapers relating to the Anthropology optional syllabus. Include any current changes, such as government programs, in your responses, particularly for paper two.
  • To get an advantage in terms of scores, it is critical to concentrate on the presentation of answers. Along with following fundamental response writing standards such as a concise opening and convincing conclusion, focus on other detailed characteristics such as side headers, the inclusion of flow charts, diagrams, maps, and so on. This adds authenticity to your response and makes it more readable and attractive. The ending should be upbeat and current.
  • Diagrams are more appealing and hence give an advantage over others. It saves time for the examiner and offers additional information. Diagrams that provide relevant information might be more attractive.

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